Sunday, April 15, 2007

Medications For The Treatment Of Cellulite

Cellulite is something most women cringe at the thought of. Even though we have heard an awful lot about the condition, we still do not know too much about it, especially the different types that occur. To us cellulite is cellulite and it comes in one form. However, unfortunately there is more than one form and which one you end up with all depends upon your life style.
One thing that helps to fight cellulite is massage. This is because massage helps to manipulate the muscles and that helps to stimulate the circulatory system and the lymphatic system which help to break down fatty tissue.

Using a body brush to brush the skin for a couple of minutes before a shower really helps to boost circulation and over time it really helps to improve the skins appearance. Gels and creams are preferred to taking pills by 85% of people who use cellulite-elimination methods. When used in combination with exercise and self-massage, gels can be very effective on cellulite-prone skin.
The most effective way to reduce the appearance of cellulite is to eat healthy and exercise regularly. You should try and aim to eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables as well as whole grain foods. If you smoke or drink a lot of coffee, you should try and cut down. Foods packed full of spices, sugar, salt and animal fats are all harder for the body to get rid of and so a low fat, high fiber and complex carbohydrate diet is recommended.

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