Monday, April 16, 2007

How To Eradicate Cellulite

It's not known what causes cellulite. Expert opinion suggests it is caused by a problem in the fat cells, or maybe toxins in the system are responsible for this embarassing problem. Even hormones are blamed. The truth is however no one is quite sure what causes cellulite. One rather extreme treatment is called liposuction, which is indeed a dramatic step to take, not to be taken too lightly. The idea being to suck out the fat cells and removing the problem tissue entirely. Once these cells have been removed, they will not be replaced, however your body may have to store up fat in other parts of your body, this could leave your body distorted! Tips on helping to slow down the process:
Stop smoking
A good healthy diet

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Plenty of exercise, Vigorous exercise, particularly the muscles of the thighs and butt, e.g. the gluteus maximus, quadriceps, appear to assist the onset of cellulite. Athletes rarely suffer from the cottage cheese effect of cellulite on their thighs. Exercise definitely improves the blood circulation in the skin, making it helpful for the skin and tissue, also the lymph drainage - factors that may have an impact on the appearance and extent of cellulite.

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